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Old Gumball Machine Made Into a Painting.

Miles Phillips

As soon as I laid my eyes on it, I knew instantly it needed to be turned into a painting.

Synesthesia is a condition people have.

I'm getting into the habit of looking at things and thinking if they can be eaten or not. Whether they have the 'candy' factor insisted on them. Anything with pink, yellow or bright blue colors have the distinctness of edibility.

Gumball Machine - 30 x 40cm, mixed media on canvas. (superimposed on in an artificial environment)

Can be hung as is, framed and sent to you. FOR SALE

Gumball Machine.

Gumball Machine from Antiquity. An old relic that just had to be painted. Based on a machine that a friend has kept all these years. You can imagine the encrusted sugar still intact on each oblong gum. Attempting to eat them would most likely break your teeth. Most of all, the color struggled to appear glamorous.

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